Simple Steps to Keep Your Print Shop Tax Exempt  |

Simple Steps to Keep Your Print Shop Tax Exempt

Josh Valencia
Imagine buying screen printing supplies and not having to pay taxes. What a dream, right? If your screen printing business is a registered LLC, that dream can be a reality. To learn more about what tax exemption is and how to obtain it, continue reading.
Tips to Printing on Waterproof Garments with Wilflex Epic Hugger Catalyst  |

The Secret to Printing on Waterproof Nylon Garments

Sage Larson
Printing on nylon is a struggle. Many variables and differences in the material can make print jobs difficult. Once you get the process right, it’s a cinch. Jonathan Overmeyer at Golden Press Studio walks through how to print on nylon windbreakers using their original shirt design.
How Financing Equipment can Help Screen Printers Do More  |

How Financing Equipment Can Help Screen Printers Do More

Jacelyn Wedman

You know the struggle: your conveyor dryer breaks down, and without it, you can’t run at the volume you need in order to meet deadlines. You need a new conveyor dryer, but that’s a few thousand dollars that you don’t have in your pocket at the moment. How are you going to pay for a new conveyor?

Good news: there’s an answer to this problem. Queue financing. The term may sound scary, but financing provides a great opportunity to pay off expensive equipment slowly, in manageable installments. With a couple of financing options, you can pay how you like. Let’s talk about how financing through works, what your options are, and how to do it.

If You Had to Pick One, Which Would You Choose: A Flash Unit or Tabletop Conveyor Dryer?  |

If You Had to Pick One, Which Would You Choose: A Flash Unit or Tabletop Conveyor Dryer?

Jacelyn Wedman
As much as a new business owner may wish and strive for it, not all have a budget to cover all their startup expenses. So, decisions have to be made and creative solutions have to be discovered. New screen printers may find themselves in this dilemma. Sometimes, they might have to pick one piece of equipment over another, like deciding between a conveyor dryer and a flash dryer. How do you know which is the better investment? Well, it depends on what you want to do. Here are three factors to consider to help you decide which is better for your shop.
Want to Screen Print? Here’s How to Choose the Best Start Up Press for You  |

Want to Screen Print? Here’s How to Choose the Best Start Up Press for You

Jacelyn Wedman
The day has come: you're ready to jump into the screen printing world. A key factor needed to get started in this adventure is a screen printing press. With tons of press options, it may be difficult to choose the best press to get started with. Luckily, there’s a guide to choosing the best startup press for your shop. Keep reading.
How to Handle Plastisol Ink in Cool Temperatures  |

How to Handle Plastisol Ink in Cool Temperatures

Sage Larson
Are you dreaming about warm summer days when your ink flows oh so smoothly? Winter and its cooler temperatures sure make it difficult for a screen printer, especially with white plastisol inks. The ink feels thick, stringy, and stiff. It requires more effort to lay down a good ink deposit. Does it have to be this hard? Nope. Ink and chemistry guru Colin Huggins shares his secrets to making white plastisol ink easier to handle during the cooler months. 
Control Print Shop Temperature with these 3 Tips  |

Control Print Shop Temperature with these 3 Tips

Jacelyn Wedman
Temperatures in screen print shops can get uncomfortable. Whether you’re sweating in the summer or shivering in the winter, controlling the temperature in your shop makes a big difference. There are plenty of ways to keep your shop’s temperature comfortable, from venting conveyor dryers to simply opening a window. Let’s dive in.
How Heritage Press Takes Calculated Risks to Turn Creativity into Capital  |

How Heritage Press Takes Risks to Turn Creativity into Capital

Jacelyn Wedman
In 2020, the United States saw a record amount of new businesses opening their doors. 4.4 million businesses started up at the height of the pandemic, a 24% increase from 2019. Screen printing shops played a big role in this small business boom. Trey Woodward, the owner of Heritage Press, is one of them, opening his doors in October 2020. His print shop in Lubbock, Texas, has blown up in the 18 months since Trey started screen printing.
How Aesthetic Imprints Turned a High School Hobby into a Full-Time Business  |

How Aesthetic Imprints Turned a High School Hobby into Full Business

Jacelyn Wedman

Go back to your childhood for a moment. What did you dream of doing with your life? Did you want to become an astronaut, or maybe a dinosaur trainer? Well, for Bhavik Dhanak, that dream was to own a clothing brand. He wanted to print his own designs, and started to learn screen printing through YouTube. 

When he entered high school, he started getting more serious. Aesthetic Imprints, based in Frederick, Maryland, was born in early 2017, during Bhavik’s senior year of high school. Yeah, you read that right. Bhavik is now a 22-year-old print hustler who’s been screen printing since he was 16 years old. Starting a business as a teenager isn’t easy, but Bhavik didn’t let that stop him from day one.

How Love Yourself Clothing Uses Backwards Text to Turn a T-shirt into a Conversation-Starter  |

How Love Yourself Clothing Uses Backwards Text to Start Conversations

Jacelyn Wedman
Screen printing is a wide, versatile industry. By using the medium of T-shirts and hoodies, you can make your mark, stand out, and start conversations about things you’re passionate about. That’s exactly what Maher Hachem, or Munch, is doing. He’s the screen printer behind Love Yourself Clothing, a company focused on promoting mental health awareness through apparel. Where did he come from? What’s his mission? Let’s find out.
How Cutting Out the Middleman Led to Aerogant Printing Company  |

How Cutting Out the Middleman Led to Aerogant Printing Company

Jacelyn Wedman
Every screen printer starts his or her journey differently. Some start out of a need to make an income, others use screen printing as a hobby. Jerome Haygood, owner of Aerogant Printing Company in Columbus, Ohio, started his screen printing shop in order to cut out the middleman. While he began printing solely for his streetwear brand, his business exploded when he expanded his services to print for clients.
Riley Hopkins Presses: Screen Printing Equipment Built like Race Cars  |

Riley Hopkins Presses: Screen Printing Equipment Built like Race Cars

Jacelyn Wedman
Riley Hopkins presses have been a staple in the screen printing industry for decades. How did the brand start? Who is the man behind the wheel of the machine that fuels your drive? Strap in: you’re about to find out.Â