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  • DIY Screen Printing

    Where to start DIY: Screen printing is a great hobby for your crafty friends and family. But where do you start? If you just want to get your toes wet...

  • The Simple Trick To Mixing Water Based Ink  |

    The Simple Trick To Mixing Water Based Ink

    Using a ink mixing system offers a lot of benefits for your screen printing shop, including color flexibility, cost savings, and an added benefit to your customers. And there are...

  • How To Start Water Based Printing  |

    How To Start Water Based Printing

    Getting into water based printing isn’t as hard as most long-time plastisol printers think. I’ve been printing with water based inks since 2008 and have helped hundreds of printers successfully...

  • ROQ Screen Printing Testimonials: FUG

    “We started January 21, 2011. We printed everything on a Riley Hopkins® four-station, six-color press (which we love). We were receiving orders for 100-500 for local colleges, and they usually...

  • How To Use The Fusion Mixing System

    You’ve just bought the Green Galaxy® Fusion Mixing System…now what? If you’ve selected your color and are ready to pull your scale out and start a rainbow chemistry lab, you’re...

  • Make A Profit Screen Printing: The DIYer

    Last week I wrote a post explaining how to Find your 'Profitability Sweet-Spot, and gave readers a chance to understand the profitability calculator we suggest using to calculate profits for...