Our team has over 100+ combined years of experience in the screen printing industry and we’re here to help you realize your printing goals. Our hands-on class will immerse you in the screen printing experience with two full days of instruction at Ryonet Headquarters in the beautiful city of Vancouver, Washington.
Our curriculum encompasses everything from production oriented separations and darkroom techniques to intricate multi-color registration; all hands-on with state-of-the-art Riley Hopkins Presses, equipment, supplies, and ROQ Automated Printing.
Bring your team or come on your own to master the skills needed to produce the highest quality prints. Whether you’re running a weekend warrior garage print shop or a print production facility, this class is set up for educating any printer who wants to understand the Who, What, Why and especially the HOW of screen printing. This class is not just for printers who have been in the industry for a long time. This class is intended for those who have been in the industry long enough to know that there is MORE they can do with their tools and who want to become a better Screen Printer.
Even if you’ve taken a previous course in screen printing; this class will deepen your understanding, streamline your processes, and elevate your screen printing skills. This high-value learning experience comes at an accessible price, but don't delay - our classes fill up fast every month!
Note: Our commitment to safety and excellence means this class is exclusively for those aged 16 and above.