The Advantages of Financing
When the newest piece of equipment or latest technology is crucial to your business, waiting for the funds to be available isn’t always an option. Get the products you need quickly and easily.
Avoid the heavy burden of paying for equipment up front. Paying over time through financing means you’ll be able to keep your cash reserves clear for other business expenses.
Predictable Monthly Payments
Budget early and avoid dealing with any surprises or variability with a predictable monthly payment.
Financing offers the ability to bundle your soft costs – including delivery, installation, and training – right into your finance amount.
Our financing programs offer competitive rates and flexible terms so you can begin using the equipment before it’s entirely paid off. Seasonal and deferred payments can also be arranged to align with your business schedule.
Most businesses can potentially deduct 100% of total equipment cost with Section 179.
*Consult your tax professional for details.