Four Color Process Color Profiles

For best results we recommend CMYK color separating in Adobe Photoshop using the correct color .CSF color profile. For proper separation, start with your full color image RGB mode, load the CSF color profile in the edit>color settings>load, then change the color mode to CMYK in the image>mode menu.

Wilflex Inks

Photoshop Wilflex Color Profiles

Download: Wilflex-Process-Adobe-Profile.csf

COREL Wilflex Color Profiles

Download: Wilflex-Process-305-.icc

Aurora Force 4

Photoshop Aurora Force 4 Color Profiles

Download: AF4-Process-Profile.csf

COREL Aurora Force 4 Color Profiles

Download: AF4-Process-305.icc


Color profiles are often installed when a device is added to your system. The accuracy of these profiles (often called generic profiles or canned profiles) varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. You can also obtain device profiles from your service provider, download profiles from the web, or create custom profiles using professional profiling equipment.

In Windows, right-click a profile and select Install Profile. Alternatively, copy the profiles into the WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\color folder.

In Mac OS, copy profiles into the /Library/ColorSync/Profiles folder or the /Users/[username]/Library/ColorSync/Profiles folder. After installing color profiles, be sure to restart Adobe applications.