Automating Your Workflow with the Saati Pro Coat and the Douthitt CTS30 Wax Ink Printer

AR Department |

PrePress production workflows have benefited greatly from some key advancements in technology and automation.  In the video below we mapped out an automated prepress workflow in our darkroom here at Ryonet using the Saati Pro Coat and the Douthitt CTS30 Wax Ink Printer.

Using the Saati Dual Coater

First, you will want to start at the Saati Dual Coater. The operator can place up to two screens at a time into the clamps and, depending on the settings, can coat between 400-500 screens in an 8-hour shift.

The Drying Cabinet

Next, you will want to head over to the drying cabinet. Use the cabinet for 10-15 minutes depending upon your emulsion, mesh count, etc.  For this demonstration, we used a 2 & 1 coating of Baselayr Complete emulsion on a 230 mesh. This set up dries in about 10-15 minutes using the Ryonet Screen Room Drying Cabinet.

The Douthitt CTS30 Wax Printer

Once fully dried, head over to the Douthitt CTS30 wax printer. This incredible piece of equipment prints directly onto the screen, eliminating the need for film and all the associated labor and supplies. The time it takes to print depends on the design you choose. We printed our “Screen Printing is Rad” design which is 11 inch by 15 inches. This took about 2 ½ minutes to print.

Ryonet CFX Exposure Unit

Next, take the printed screen and head over to the Ryonet CFX Exposure Unit configured for the CTS30 unit.  We personally exposed at 5 seconds. The Ryonet CFX unit does not have glass to accommodate the wax ink on the screen, and as a result, the exposure time is crazy fast with the Baselayr Complete emulsion.

Once you are done exposing, allow the screen to soak in water to loosen the wax from the emulsion. This takes hardly any time at all, maybe 30 seconds or so, and you will be ready for the easiest washout you’ve ever performed.

Automating just a few of the production steps in your prepress workflow could enable you to increase production and be able to use those valuable labor hours in other areas of your business.

Check out A Heat Press is a Great Addition to Any Screen Printing Shop and the Rio Mixing System for Ink to learn more ways to make your workflow easier.

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