Destroy Shop Germs with Handy San

Destroy Shop Germs with Handy San  |

Sage Larson |

I think it's safe to say that majority of us are more conscientious about germs and are more proactive on keeping the germs away. Washing your hands with soap is the best way to kill germs, but sometimes a sink and a bar of soap are out of the way. One way to fix that inconvenience is leaving a bottle or two of Handy San around your shop. 

Handy San is pretty legit for a ton of reasons. For example, to use the hand sanitizer, you need a refillable bottle and foaming nozzle. A foaming nozzle reduces the amount of sanitizer you need to thoroughly clean your hands, meaning it lasts quite a bit longer. The nozzle also decreases the possibility of drips or spills (thank goodness). If you do not have a refillable foaming dispenser, you can purchase them at your local grocery or drugstores or find some on Amazon.

Handy San is also alcohol free, so little cuts on your hands won't sting and your hands are less likely to dry out when the hand sanitizer is applied. It's important to note that while the alcohol-free formula does kill harmful germs, it's not as effective as a hand sanitizer containing alcohol. Do wash your hands with soap and water as often as you can.

Keep a bottle at your desk to lather on when you're creating the next design. Put some in the front of your shop so customers have the option to sanitize their hands before grabbing or touching anything. Place a bottle in your production area so you and your employees can disinfect their hands whenever you all please. 


Yup, there's a right and a wrong way to apply hand sanitizer. Let's learn what's the right way so the product does not go to waste. The information below was obtained from a study at the National Center for Biotechnology Information and the CDC. It's science, so you know it's legit. 

  • When you rub the hand sanitizer into your hands, continue rubbing until your hands are completely dry. If you stop, and wave your hands to air them out, then the hand sanitizer will not work well. 
  • In the study, they found that 15 seconds was not enough time to properly disinfect hands. The study found 30 seconds to be more effective. 
  • Hand sanitizer doesn't properly work when hands are greasy or dirty. If that's the case, it's better to wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Hand sanitizer does not remove harmful chemicals like heavy metals or pesticides, so wash your hands if they become contaminated.
  • Don't swallow hand sanitizer.

Every step you can do matters. Purchase the gallon of Handy San, obtain a refillable bottle and foaming nozzle, and you're set to go. Kill germs, stay safe.


NCBI Study