How to Print for a Cause

How to Print for a Cause  |

Amy Roberts |

This month is breast cancer awareness month and a lot of screen printers are wanting to do their part to help. Whether you are printing to help find a cure for breast cancer or are printing for some other cause, you want to make sure you are printing in the right way. 

Some Things to Keep in Mind 

Before printing for a cause, you need to make sure it is a cause that you actually care about and want to help. If you are just doing it as a publicity stunt, don't do it! Your audience will be able to realize that you are not being authentic and it will cause you more harm then good. 

If you do decide to print for a cause to show your support, make sure that you are actually going to donate to an organization that supports that cause. If you don't, you are just taking advantage of something that is trying to do actual good. 

Choosing the Right Organizations 

When you settle on the cause that you want to print for, make sure that you are doing you research to find an organization that is actually donating money to that cause. A simple google search can help you wade out the good from the bad. Make sure to check out the organizations reviews! We also recommend checking out this charity navigator. It will help make the process a lot easier on you.

What to Print  

Now that you have chosen your cause and organization, it is time to start printing! Check with the organization to see if they have any restrictions on branding items of theirs that they do not want people to use. Make you prints relative and creative and try to stick to the color scheme of that organization or cause. For example, when printing for breast cancer awareness, you would want to use pink ink or pink shirts. 

Get the Word out There 

If you are printing for a cause, it is important to get the word out to the public. Use the resources you have. Post on social media, send out emails, and talk to people in person about the prints that you will have available. Let them know why they should purchase a shirt and talk to them about why you support the cause. 

Need helpful tips on how to get the word out there? Check out How to Create Engaging Social Media Posts