Looking for Activities to Keep Your Kids Occupied? Try At Home Screen Printing

Looking for Activities to Keep Your Kids Occupied? Try At Home Screen Printing  |

Sage Larson |

As a parent, you want the best for your child. You want to see them grow and succeed to their maximum potential. A way to help them expand their minds is to expose them to as many different activities as you can. One activity you should try is at home screen printing.

Screen printing is art and science. The printer needs to be creative; use their imagination to create a cool design that they'll want to wear forever. Science comes in when you start setting up – applying emulsion on a screen, using an UV light to expose the screen, learning the pressure and angle of the squeegee to make the best print. 

It's challenging. It's thrilling. It's rewarding.

What's fantastic about at home screen printing is the fact that it's an activity that can span over a few days. You can spend the first day setting up the kit, focus on creating art the next day, then start the prepress steps, and then print. That's almost a week's worth of activities all planned out. Shout out for making your life a little easier. 

Best of all, at home screen printing isn't a one-time ordeal. Once they're back in school, spring and winter breaks will be here again. Instead of plopping in front of the TV, you can pull out the DIY kit and create more rad prints. 


You may want to do a little research on how to screen print before jumping into it. We have a great tutorial that goes through each step of your DIY kit, from setting it up to pulling the squeegee. As you'll see, there are a ton of steps in screen printing. Lots of steps where things could potentially go wrong...

But you're a super parent. You got this. Here's a list of incredibly helpful videos to ensure you and your child ace every step:

Don't worry, the chemicals that come in the kit are safe. Sgreen® chemicals are eco-friendly and healthier for the user. For more safety, the kits come with gloves.

May seem overwhelming, but it's all a part of the process. Screen printing requires problem solving, patience, and critical thinking. Your child is going to gain an infinite amount of hard and soft skills after completing their first print. 

When your child tries at home screen printing, they'll never want to stop creating – posters for their room, shirts for their friends, tote bags for your shopping errands. They get to bring their ideas to life. That's one of the best skills a parent could teach their child. Well, what are you waiting for? Order your kit today.