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Sgreen Chemisty | Better Care for Your Screens & For Yourself

NEW Sgreen Chemisty | Better Care for Your Screens, Better Care For Yourself  |

Cody Scherer |

Sgreen Is Improved With You In Mind

We help busy screen printers get the supplies they need to stay productive & profitable today, while staying healthy long after the printing is done.  

As the leadership team met in late 2018, we set about establishing Project 376.  A mission to evaluate each product line with the health of our customers & the environment in mind.  Screen Printing has had a bad-rap for being unavoidably Dirty, Messy & Toxic.  

New environmental & health related regulatory changes are being enacted each and everyday.  When you look at other industries, consumer buying behavior is also evolving quickly, and gravitating to more eco friendly options that have less of an impact on personal health.  With data more readily available than ever before, customers are becoming more aware, customers care and so should we! 

We uncovered new truths that made real the need to better align key offerings with manufacturing that also shared the desire to offer industry leading solutions that are aligned with Project 376.  Thus a new partnership began, and the NEW Sgreen line is here. 

"After 20+ years in the screen print industry and having used a multitude of screen cleaning chemicals (some of which I nearly fell over from!), its really exciting to be a part of a movement towards better chemistry that is focused, not just on being Environmentally Friendlier™, but in being better for your body.  The fact that I can still clean my screens as efficiently as the nastier chemicals is proof that being “Green” is not a joke.  It is viable both financially and in production.  And its only going to get better from here." - Colin Huggins, Ink & Chemical Product Manager Ryonet. 

Check out Colin's deep dive into best practices on using the NEW Sgreen line

Our Choices Matter

Ryonet is determined to put our money where our mouth is by mindfully revamping our product offering to be aligned with this new mission, Project 376, 

Our Choices Matter.  Our goal is to help educate screen printers on the health benefits of a NEW improved line of Sgreen chemistry, while empowering with education on alternative products and processes that are less harmful to printer and environment.  

As a manufacturer and supplier, our choices matter in our customers lives, big time.  We will strive to offer the most effective screen printing products that are eco-friendly, and remain cost competitive. Join us as we continue to evolve and grow in a more mindful way, we can make a difference, together.

Project 376 takes a holistic viewpoint to first Acknowledge the current state of screen printing, build Awareness of healthier means of production, Educate on the financial & health opportunities of change, with the goal of education to actually Improve the lives & work environments of printers, their customers, and effectively Empowering the printer. #empoweringprinters #ourchoicesmatter #project376



✅ 4/22 Earth Day | Announcement of Project 376 

  • We are keen to share our passion for new product effectiveness, that have a financial savings, and that also happen to be better for your health today and in the future.

✅ Discontinue Screen Opener “Cancer In A Can” | Summer 2019

  • Let’s play “Kick the Can!”
  • Sharing alternative methods that are more cost effective and easy for any printer to implement.

✅ Sgreen chemistry gets Greener | Summer 2019

  • Awesome Product Effectivity, Cost Effective, Eco-Friendlier, Not Perfect, but a move in the right direction.

Discontinue Spray Mist Adhesive Cans | Fall 2019

  • Let’s play “Kick the Can!” AGAIN!!!
  • Sharing alternative methods that are more cost effective and easy for any printer to implement.