Prepping For The Holidays: You're Already Late!

Ryan Cole |

You’re already late (not really)
Preparing for the holidays in a screen printing shop can be a little stressful since it’s typically a slower time of year. Depending on what type of printing you do, spring and fall are generally the busy times of the year you should be taking advantage of. “Putting some hay in the barn” is an expression I’ve adapted lately. During the busy months you must stay disciplined and put some hay in your barn for the slow months. The more you do this, the less stress you’ll experience when the shop is slow and the pressure to spend money on gifts for family and friends is high. Get thrifty and use your skills!

Thinking about your family during the holidays
This is what I did in my shop last year for my Family. An English Walnut tree fell in a windstorm in my neighbors yard and they were kind enough to give me some of the leftover wood. We had a new addition to the family so I printed her face on some fine limb rounds. When my brother and sister received these unique gifts they were both surprised and overcome by the thought. Don’t forget about what you already know best.

fun wood printing

Thinking about your customers during the holidays
Sausage baskets, chocolates, and gifts cards are cool, but not as cool and making customized gifts with your own hands and skills. You’ll see that people often find these presents to be far more thoughtful and unique. Trust your ingenuity and make something your loved ones will always remember you and your relationship by!

Check out these fun and creative homemade gifts and see if you can come up with your own unique ideas!

Holiday Stress Reduction Takeaways:
1. Be frugal during the busy months and save as much cash/supplies as possible to carry you during slow months.
2. Make your own screen printed gifts for your customers. Not only does this save money, but it is far more thoughtful and builds loyalty.
3. Take advantage of big sales like Cyber Monday and save big on supplies before the season get’s really cold.

We would love to see all of your unique holiday creations! Tag your ideas and works with #poweringtheprint and share them with the Print Life community!

Thanks for reading,
Ryan Cole

The post Prepping For The Holidays – You’re Already Late! appeared first on Ryonet Blog.