Ryonet Gives Back: Thanksgiving Turkey Boxes

Amy Roberts |

There are 65,000 hungry people in Clark County alone. Many of those facing hunger are children and the elderly. Even though the holidays are here, the hunger the people in our community face doesn’t go away. Because of a wonderful community that supports us, we are fortunate to be able to give back to our community. With the help of Precise Grinding, Walmart (Orchards Location), and WinCo (Brush Prairie Location), we were able pack 250 Thanksgiving meal boxes for the Arc of Southwest Washington and the Clark County Food Bank.

One of Ryonet’s key values is to serve. As a company, we love to give back to the community we live in. By being able to provide Thanksgiving meals for the hungry we were able to do that. We can’t thank our loyal customers for supporting us to the point where we are able to give back. While it means a lot to the company as a whole to give back, it also affects each individual that works at Ryonet differently. Check out the quotes below to see just a few of the reasons why our work tribe feels that giving back is so important.

  • Ryan – We’ve been doing the Turkey Boxes now for 7 years I think and its awesome to see how the team, our vendors, and community comes together to help a few hundred families in clark county have a awesome meal on this special day, we have a lot to say thanks for and this is a great way to not just say it, show it.
  • Cody – It’s great to have an opportunity to help another family in my community this time of year.
  • Cristen – Knowing that we can help other families begin their own traditions with their families, is something I’m so happy to be a part of.
  • Lucas- It’s important when you are in a position to be able to give.
  • Ross- We live in a very privileged country. It goes too far unnoticed how many people can’t afford a hot meal three times a day. This hunger affects so many children.
  • Kathy- It feels my heart up when we do these kind of activities. Ryonet walks the talk when we say we Serve and I love that we can help make a difference to people in our community.
  • Mark- When you focus on the things that matter you really have an understanding that your problems are not as big as you think
  • Shannon – In an area where homelessness and hunger is a real issue for our community, I am grateful that I am in a position and work for a company that feels that it is important to give back because it is so important.
  • Cole – It only took 25 minutes of my time but the reward was so much greater than the time spent because we helped so many people.
  • Aaron- It’s amazing how much one box of intention and care can accomplish in the lives of an entire family!  What could happen in our world if everyone gave before we consumed?

So we challenge you this holiday season. How can you give back?

About the Clark County Food Bank

“Clark County Food Bank is a regional food bank that distributes 6 million pounds of food and 5 million meals a year. We partner with over 35 local agencies and programs to serve the food insecure in our community. With 65,000 hungry individuals in Clark County, the need is great, but we are here to help. Find out how you can help our community by giving your time, food, or other resources.”

About the Arc of Southwest Washington

“Since 1936, The Arc of Southwest Washington has provided services locally to tens of thousands of persons with developmental disabilities and their families in Southwest Washington. In the process, it has tirelessly promoted the acceptance and inclusion of people of all abilities, advocated for the most current research-based improvements, and opened new doors in helping people achieve a lifetime of success.”

The post Ryonet Gives Back: Thanksgiving Turkey Boxes appeared first on Ryonet Blog.