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[VIDEO] How to Screen Print Wilflex Plastisol Ink on Dark Garments

[VIDEO] How to Screen Print Wilflex Plastisol Ink on Dark Garments  |

Shawn Zimmerman |

Have you ever found yourself struggling to maintain the opacity and vibrancy of your print when printing plastisol inks on dark garments? Many times, you either need to do a print-flash-print, or you have to slap an underbase down before you can get to your real design.  Otherwise, you risk your design seeming faded or of low quality.  While underbasing can get you a clean, crisp look, it adds an extra screen, another ink, and one more pass under the flash.  Sometimes, it’s necessary.  Other times, it’s not.

Wilflex Epic inks are a high opacity line of inks, specially formulated to be opaque enough to be printed directly onto a dark garment.  Check out this video, where Ryan Moor talks about Wilflex Epic inks, and how you can use them for easier printing on dark substrates.

Wilflex Epic Inks:

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