Stampinator 480 | Versatile In-Line Stamp & Curing Press Solution

Stampinator 480 | Versatile In-Line Stamp and Curing Solution For Any Press  |

Josh Valencia |

As a screen printer, one of the biggest struggles is laying down a smooth base and running out of space on your press. The Stampinator 480 not only helps solve both of those issues but enables you to do more with your press then you ever thought before.

Typically setup in place of flash #1, the Stampinator 480 works a flash, iron and roller all in one which creates an incredible smooth base layer while using less ink. For optimal settings for the flash stamp position we set the Stampinator 480 temp to 335 and stamp for 4-7 seconds. This can be sped up by increasing the temp and flash as low as 1 second. The Stampinator 480 works using patented compression springs to apply pressure when the print head is in print position. This will work on any press in the market too.

By adding a stamp instead of the flash in the first position, we regulate the temperature, matte down the fibers, and great a great base for printing the rest of our colors. This allows you to print under bases on 230+ mesh saving ink and creating a better overall hand fill.

On top of creating the best underbase plate in the world. The Stampinator 480 can also cure on press taking away the need for a dryer. It is available with different paper applications over the heat platen allowing for different looks and feels... and teflon will create a sheen and we can also use craft paper for a dull matte finish.

If you are doing a lot of transfer applications you can even use the Stampinator 480 for doing inline heat pressing at 10x the speed of traditional heat presses. Simply put the heat applied transfer on, index the press, and heat seal at rates above 400 pieces per hour.

The Stampinator 480 will increase your quality, decrease your costs, and add flexibility to your press you never had before.