How to Print Your Own Custom Boxes  |

How to Print Your Own Custom Boxes

Josh Valencia
Why bother customizing the boxes you ship garments in? It's actually a small, but significant way to stand out from the crowd and look incredibly professional. That package is the customer's first impression of your business, why not make it a good one? Luckily, it's fairly easy to print on cardboard boxes. Rogue Lab Owner Lee Stuart breaks down every step of the process — from creating the artwork to curing the ink — so you can customize your own boxes effortlessly. 
The Screen Printing Equipment Every Water-Based Printer Needs  |

The Screen Printing Equipment Every Water-Based Printer Needs

Jacelyn Wedman

Water-based printing takes a few different pieces of equipment and a bit of know-how. When printing with water-based ink, the water in the ink needs to evaporate in order for the ink to cure. This may seem challenging, but it’s a cinch with the proper tools. Let’s talk about the tools needed to print with water-based ink. 

Switch to Water-Based Pallet Adhesive for These 4 Benefits  |

Switch to Water-Based Pallet Adhesive for These 4 Benefits

Jacelyn Wedman
Keeping a shop clean is essential. A clean shop not only keeps the space looking nice but keeps your equipment running at max capacity. If you’ve used aerosol adhesive, you’ll notice it gets everywhere. The adhesive might work, but also will stick to anything in its path. One way to keep a shop cleaner is to use water-based adhesive. Let’s talk about how to use the adhesive and the benefits of keeping it stocked in your shop.
How Love Yourself Clothing Uses Backwards Text to Turn a T-shirt into a Conversation-Starter  |

How Love Yourself Clothing Uses Backwards Text to Start Conversations

Jacelyn Wedman
Screen printing is a wide, versatile industry. By using the medium of T-shirts and hoodies, you can make your mark, stand out, and start conversations about things you’re passionate about. That’s exactly what Maher Hachem, or Munch, is doing. He’s the screen printer behind Love Yourself Clothing, a company focused on promoting mental health awareness through apparel. Where did he come from? What’s his mission? Let’s find out.
Everything You Need to Know to Screen Print an Underbase  |

Everything You Need to Know to Screen Print an Underbase

Sage Larson
Knowing how to screen print an underbase is crucial for screen printers. If you want a bright, vivid print, you'll need to lay down a solid white base. Rogue Lab Owner Lee Stuart breaks down the steps on how to achieve a fantastic underbase.
The Easiest Way to Make a Print Pop on a White Shirt  |

The Easiest Way to Make a Print Pop on a White Shirt

Sage Larson
Golden Press Studio turns up the heat with a multicolor, Miami Vice-themed print for a tattoo shop. Needing to print a two-color pocket, four-color back, and one-color sleeve, the shop takes on the challenge to make this bodacious print. Watch the team burn the screens, register, print, and cure to make a vibrant, vibin' print. All done with standard FN-INK™ colors. 
Meet the Maker of Salt & Pine Co.  |

Meet the Maker of Salt & Pine Co.

Sage Larson
Traditional, nine-to-five professions made Amanda Dunigan miserable. Cooped up in a drabby office at a bank for 10 years made her feel antsy, itching to do something more. She quit her job and started bartending, exploring creative endeavors on the side. After trying one activity after another, Amanda finally found her calling — screen printing.
Stark Screen Printing's Recipe for Success  — Hard Work, Quality Product, Best Customer Service  |

Stark Screen Printing's Recipe for Success — Hard Work, Quality Product, Best Customer Service

Sage Larson

When Daniela Murphy’s husband called her back in November 2017 as she sat in the break room of Kohls, he had one question for her. Would it be okay if he bought some screen printing equipment off of Craigslist? 

Screen printing had always been a passion of his and he wanted to pursue it in his free time. Daniela, having no experience with screen printing, just said sure. 

Little did she know that their decision would lead to her new career.

Should I Screen Print or Decorate with Vinyl?  |

Should I Screen Print or Decorate with Vinyl?

Sage Larson
Ready to start decorating garments? There are many ways you can go about decorating garments — embroidery, screen printing, vinyl, etc. How do you decide which one is best for you? Let’s focus on screen printing and vinyl to distinguish which method will fit your business.