Want to Stretch Your Own Screens? Now You Can with ECO Frames!

Want to Stretch Your Own Screens? Now You Can with ECO Frames!  |

Sage Larson |

Repairing a broken screen in minutes sounds like a dream, right? Ripped static screens means you'll need to go online, order a new one, and wait a few days for it to ship. Or, you may send your frame to a guy who's able to re-stretch a new mesh on it for you, but that also make take several days as well. Being able to repair it yourself would be amazing.

You know what's also irritating? How static frames take up so much room in the shop. You’re running out of space, but you need these frames for all the orders you’re doing. There can’t possibly be another solution other than getting more carts or building more placeholders on your walls. 

Your dreams are coming true. The ECO Frames allow you to repair screens at lightning speed and they'll free up more space in your shop. 

ECO Frames are frames where you can attach the mesh yourself. Having the ability to stretch the mesh yourself means you can get back into production quicker, can swiftly change mesh counts between orders, and will have more space in your shop.

Ryonet offers three frame sizes – the Eco is 20x24 inches and two versions of the HD (23x31 inches and 25x36 inches). The Eco size is for manual presses, using a Riley 300 or smaller. The HD is for an automatic, or a Riley 350 and bigger.

We offer both packages and individual frames and meshes. One big thing you'll have to take note is the difference between Hi-DRO and Hi-TEX. Hi-DRO is a thin thread diameter. While this mesh was created for water-based inks, but many people in the industry has adopted the Hi-DRO for plastisol inks. Hi-TEX has been in the industry for decades and is a standard mesh. Hi-TEX is best for plastisol inks. 

For the starter package, you do have the option to pick either Hi-TEX or Hi-DRO mesh panels. With the package, you'll get six 20"x24" frames, one stretching tool, six 157 mesh panels, and six 230 mesh panels. The mesh panels will be either Hi-TEX or Hi-DRO, depending on what you choose.

For the pro kit, you'll again have the option for your panels to be either Hi-DRO or Hi-TEX mesh panels. With this package, you get twelve 23"x31" frames, one stretching tool, twelve of 157 mesh panels, and twelve 230 mesh panels.  

If you're new to screen printing, stick with static screens for the time being. Once you've gotten a handle on the process and are ready for a challenge, then try out the ECO frames

Think they’ll be a good fit for your shop, but not quite sure? Grab the starter package and try it out. You’ll get the hang of it, and a better understanding of how the frames could work in your shop.

Now, the fun part – how to assemble them. Here are some directions (but here's a video if you need some visuals):

  1. Remove stickers.
  2. Move the locking bars to the inner part of the metal frame.
  3. Pick your mesh. Each panel will have a tag stating its mesh count.
  4. The mesh has plastic strips along the edges, flip them over once, leaving the black thread facing upwards. Flipping the strips is necessary because it provides extra structural support and will be too wide if you didn't. 
  5. Place the plastic strips into the locking bars.
  6. The mesh will be loose. Try to center the curve of the mesh to the corners of the frame.
  7. Grab the stretching tool. Attach it to the locking bar on the long side of the frame and push down. Stretch the long sides first because it helps prevent distortion. Stretch slowly. If you stretch too quickly, you may thin out the panel and make it fragile. The locking strip will click once it's in place.
  8. All new mesh panels will settle over the next 12 hours. When you can use the screen depends on what you're planning on printing. If you're going to do a one color print, you can wash it out and burn it. If you're going to do a CMYK print, or a print with fine detail, you need to let the mesh settle for the full 12 hours before coating. If you do not let the mesh relax in tension, the print may be distorted. 

Whole process takes less than five minutes. That’s it. 

Your time is worth money. The time ordering and waiting for new static screens can hinder your process. ECO Frames get you back to printing in a matter of hours. Increase productivity, get ECO Frames.