You Rock, 25 Watts Print & Design!!!

Ryonet Marketing |

Screen Printing with 25 Watts Print & Design

Good Thursday morning one and all… hopefully this week has bee good to you and you’ve been elbow deep in printing something fabulous.

Every now and then the Ryonet team gets wind of screen printing stories that we can’t help but share. Today is a day for sharing. Set down that squeegee and pull up a chair; it’s time for a story!!!

Our friends over at 25 Watts Print & Design, a screen printing consultancy group, were contacted for a last minute t-shirt job. We’ll let them tell you all about it:

Collectively we have worked for entertainment industry printers for many years before deciding to go out on our own so we are no strangers to tight deadlines. When we were asked late one Saturday afternoon if we could top up a Swedish death band’s tour shirt numbers we figured it would be tight. The band was playing a club tour and had run out of their tour design. The call was to print the shirts before the show finished so they could be sold on the way out of the venue.

We put in a quote with the promoter and got the go ahead to print. We arrived at the factory around 7pm, downloaded  the artwork and produced film seps and screens pretty quickly and without a hitch. The order was for just 35 shirts in various sizes (black, of course!) with back and front prints. Printing these manually in plastisol or super cover would have impossible in the time allowed as we’d have had to print an under base flash and print a high white, back and front!

Using Ryonet’s water base discharge system we were able to print both sides of these shirts, pack them and have them at the show in around 3 hours! We have been sold on this ink since we first saw it on YouTube around a year ago. Only one screen was required for each side of the shirt; with no flash or under base required, production time is cut down considerably. The discharge agent does all the hard work and produces a fantastic vivd result with the ultimate soft feel.

 Shirts were picked up by the runner an hour and a half before the show finished at midnight. Everybody was happy. Here’s some feedback from the band’s promoter:

“Thanks for the email mate, and I must thank you guys once again for the super-super quick turnaround you did for us!!! I thought at first is was a long shot, but you came through with a very high quality product! Cant thank you enough! We sold out of the shirts right at the end of the Brisbane show, so that was perfect… the fans and band alike were very happy with the prints, and they sold out very quickly”

The website for 25 Watts Print & Design says very matter-of-factly that they “deliver practical solutions to impractical situations”. We couldn’t agree more and totally love hearing how screen printing is a part of so many stories!

The post You Rock, 25 Watts Print & Design!!! appeared first on Ryonet Blog.