White Plastisol Ink Reduction

Ryonet Marketing |

White ink is a top contender for “most questions asked”. This is largely due to the amount of pigments that white endorse has. Something critical when printing with white is that it prints crisp, clean and bright. There are a couple basic suggestions to keep in mind that will help you get the best results possible. Sometimes it’s the simple things that go a long way in making a successful print run.


This is something that can’t be stressed enough—and although it seems simple and maybe unnecessary to address, it’s a common step that can be overlooked when pressed for time. However, when you take the time to stir thoroughly stir your ink you make everything else easier on yourself.

Curable Reducer

Using curable ink reducer is like using a thinner. It’s made specifically for plastisol inks and will help make sure your colors loosen up, resulting in that nice creamy consistency you need. When the consistency of your ink is correct you are able to print more efficiently and more comfortably.

We’re honored to be providing our friends at RB Digital with our Pro Tips material… they will be featuring our tips and tutorial videos in a monthly newsletter. We get crazy excited about expanding the reach of instruction and helpful information; that’s how a strong and vibrant screen printing community is built!!!

Get IC Curable Ink Reducer from Ryonet HERE.

The post White Plastisol Ink Reduction appeared first on Ryonet Blog.