One Way to Continue Supporting Local Businesses

One Way to Continue Supporting Local Businesses  |

Jacelyn Wedman |

More cities, states, and countries are lifting COVID-related restrictions every day. With the world getting back to “normal,” the lessons of last year should not be forgotten: local businesses are the cornerstones and lifelines of communities.

When the pandemic began, many small businesses struggled. Screen printers, in their innovative and caring way, helped these businesses by printing merchandise for them to make some sort of income. Many used the “Support Local” design Golden Press Studio made, free of charge. Not only did the design help bring in some revenue, it spread an important message: Support Local.

People wearing "Support Local"shirts pose for a photo

Photo by Silk Screen Machine

Let’s keep the message spreading. Golden Press Studio has created another free design and an entire pack centered around supporting local businesses. 


Success in your print shop starts with the artwork. Your artwork needs to stand out among thousands of other designs. With the Support Local pack, you can successfully design extremely good art that takes your prints above and beyond. 

But what does it mean to have “good art?” Good art catches the eye without being too busy. It’s clean, crisp lines and complimentary colors should draw you in. 

"Good Art" isn't always just about the design though. Sometimes, your client provides art that isn’t top quality. No matter the quality of the artwork, you still have to separate it and set it up for production. The better your design prep is, the more successful you're going to be. The “Support Local” pack simplifies designing for local campaigns and is set up to streamline print production. also has brand-new, free, online classes available to show you how to get this artwork (and any artwork) ready for production quicker and better.


A pack of 10 designs supporting local businesses


All the designs in the pack are ready-to-use. If you love a design as-is, use it. The great thing about art packs is that you can customize the design to fit your shop or customers’ needs. Use elements from other packs, the Support Local pack, or hand-draw your own. The possibilities are endless. 


Last year, the screen printing community stepped up to the plate and supported so many small businesses, both in the screen printing world and outside it. Stark Screen Printing, for example, gave back to their community who supported them during the tough times. 

As the pandemic surged, owners Daniela and Travis Murphy planned to shut down and unplug all equipment, hoping to save money on the utility bill and wait for the world to open again. Their community stepped up, ordering shirts from Stark Screen Printing, even when they didn’t need them. The businesses knew Daniela needed business, and kept her press running. 

Immediately, Daniela and Travis started thinking of ways to help other businesses that were less fortunate. While brainstorming ideas, Daniela saw the free Support Local vector download that Golden Press Studio created.

Two women wearing "Support Local" shirts in front of a brick background

Photo by Daniela Murphy

“A light bulb went off,” Daniela said. “We said, ‘Why don’t we print hundreds of shirts with that design on them and add a little hashtag of our cities?'”

Instead of selling the shirts and collecting the money themselves, Daniela and Travis decided to give the small businesses a stack of shirts for free and they could sell the shirts.

“We wanted nothing out of it,” Daniela said.

They didn’t put Stark Screen Printing on the shirts. They did not want any sort of cash to flow back to them. The shop just wanted to help out these businesses, nothing more.

“They were so thankful,” Daniela said. “They sold them and kept the money. They wrote us letters, it was really amazing.”


Support Local shirts in a box advertising pickup

Photo by Alpine Print Company

Supporting local businesses has never been more important. Now that shops, restaurants, and hangout spots are opening up again, it’s time to show our support. Download the free vector design, buy the paid pack, print some shirts, and empower local businesses in your community.