We Have Rad Customers

Ryonet Marketing |

Awesome Ryonet Customer Story

The Ryonet team has awesome customers… we enjoy what we do so much because of the wonderful screen printers we get to meet along the way! It’s a wide, wide world out there and sometimes we have the privilege of bumping into customers even when we’re not at Ryonet. Here’s a quick story of a run-in between a customer, Ben, and Nick Wood from Ryonet (as told to us by Ben). Enjoy:

Oh my gosh, another great ryonet story. I was driving with a friend recently when we saw a car with a Ryonet sticker in the top left corner of the back window… My friend crawled to the back of our car and grabbed a squeegee. After minutes of trying to get lined up with the “ryodriver” in heavy traffic we finally found ourselves right behind him. My friend shoots his hand up through the sunroof, holding the squeegee with ultimate pride. A couple seconds later, the “ryodriver” acknowledges our plea for comradery. The “ryodriver” gets over one lane and slows down… now we are connecting. He holds out a collection of ink sample charts and stickers. My friend leans far out the window for a clean transfer. Hell yes, this is where we buy our ink and stuff!

Fun times, for sure!!! There’s nothing like some sweet screen printing stickers to improve rush hour traffic. We’re always happy to spread the screen printing love… and we are happy to meet you, get to know you and be a part of your screen printing experience. Thanks, customers… for being the best!!! Seriously.


The post We Have Rad Customers appeared first on Ryonet Blog.