Rise Up International and Screen Printing

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Learn What Our Friends, Rise  Up International, Are Up To…

The team at wishes each and every one of you a lovely National Screen Printing Day today!!! It’s one big hooray for our industry and all the amazing screen printers that work (and play!!!) so hard. Hooray

As we celebrate today, we’d like to shine a light on a group of people using screen printing for good… no, for greatness. This group of people, Rise Up International, inspire us to be sure. Maybe you’ve heard of them?!!!? If not, check their website out and learn about what they’re up to.

We’ll tell you the nutshell version of who they are, but we totally hope you take the time to visit their site and learn more. They have efforts locally and internationally. They rock. Here’s what they’re up to here in the USA:

Taken from the “About Us” section of their website:

Rise Up is a local non-profit that aims to advance the arts and humanities in Central Oregon. We do this through art, music, humanities, cultural events & classes. We have participatory involvement from elementary aged emerging artists and musicians – to adults. We follow the guidelines of the Oregon Cultural Trust to further the arts in Oregon.

In 2012 Rise Up launched our ARTivism project. This initiative blends art and activism to form ARTivism, giving people a creative voice in their community through interactive art and music.

Locally Rise Up hosts ongoing art & music events to promote the cultural heritage of our community. Many of these events are under the banner of Rise Up Presents & culminates in Bend’s largest “locals” festival, Bend Roots Revival!

Jesse Roberts (he’s their Creative Director) recently got in touch with Ryan and shared some pictures taken on a few of their adventures (they used a screen printing kit from us). Take a look a some shots from a recent session they did in Oman. Jesse was really excited to share the following, “We are looking at going over to Iraq and other countries in the region as part of a art diplomacy project to do screen printing with youth.”

What we love about Rise Up International is that they get involved in something they’re passionate about, they look for ways to improve their community (local and beyond) AND screen printing is part of it! Here are pictures from another session they did locally as part of an art in school outreach.

Alright… enjoy the rest of National Screen Printing Day… LIVE TO PRINT (remember we’ve got some lovely supplies on sale just for you)!!!