Screen Printing Ryonet's Art Contest Winner Design on T-Shirts

Screen Printing Ryonet's Art Contest Winner Design on T-Shirts  |

Jamie Leinbach |

The design contest we held at Impressions Expo in Long Beach this year was a blast! We arrived in Long Beach supplied with Baselayr film and Sharpies galore, then asked attendees to draw their coolest designs, and wow, did they deliver! The rules? The designer needed to create and hand-draw a one-color design using a Sharpie marker on film. They needed to incorporate a Ryonet theme, and please, keep it PG! What was on the line? A $100 Promo Code to



We came home with several submissions, posted them on our Instagram page and let all you screen printers choose the winner! It was a blast to see how it turned out, thank you to everyone who submitted artwork and joined in the competitive fun. After an intense couple days and narrowing down the winner to @bottlecapretro, we announced the winner during our YouTube Live Recap event and knew we’d need to print this image on some tees!

We snagged our favorite @allmade apparel, cut vinyl to use as a stencil on our Siser Romeo, loaded up the screen with Green Galaxy Booster Green ink and printed our hearts out on a Riley 250. We’ll be including shirts in surprise packages so get your order in quickly to see if you are a lucky winner of our Art Contest Winner t-shirt! 

This contest was a blast with the print community at Impressions Expo, we hope to see you all there next year. Thanks again to all who submitted your designs and please help us give a big congratulations to @bottlecapretro